Monday, May 10, 2010

Just for Aunt Karen...

Okay, so I am officially a lame pointed out to me by my dear Aunt Karen about a million times yesterday! ;o) I thought that Maile was the only one to ever read my blog and since we talk on almost a daily basis, I became a lazy blogger... I was mistaken and apologize to all of those "ghost-followers" out there who are disappointed by my degree of blog-laziness! (Yes, I know that is probably not a word, but if people can turn google into a verb, I can use blog-laziness!)

So here is a post, just for my sweet Aunt! Love you!

I am so happy to report that after a very lazy day on my part, the girls came home from school, did their homework, and then we took off to the Y for swim team and a workout. The girls have been out of the pool since August and it was so great to see them dive back in with enthusiasm. Sometimes we need a break from the things we do just to increase the appreciation we have for them! I love seeing them glide through the water and marvel that they have the stamina to make it more than 100 yards...I think they swim 1000+ each workout. I'm lucky if I make it 25 (the length of the pool)!

Perhaps even more impressive is that I got back on the treadmill and bike while they swam. WOW...I know, I know, don't fall over in shock! I think it's time to get on the healthy train and this is just the first step. It was a small one, but a step nonetheless.

Thanks for reading my ramblings...I was actually just filling space before I posted what my sweet Aunt really wants...PICTURES! Love to all and I promise to do better~!


Maile said...

Good job sistah! Love it all and what a cute pic!

Did you adopt a boy somewhere along the way?

Tree said...

Thanks! Yes, he fits right in, doesn't he? I have the best nephews! They are so handsome and keep me laughing constantly...what more can an Auntie ask for? For the record, the nieces are pretty amazing as well!

Ms. Keller said...

Yay!!!!! Thanks for the update!!! It is so much fun to be with the beautiful Winn girls! The three of you are so very amazing(and that little brother of yours is awfully cute also)! Your mama did a good job raised you well! I love you.
xoxo Aunty K