Thursday, October 16, 2008

Seussical Revisited

Hey all...sorry for the radio silence you've been experiencing from my blog for awhile...we've been crazy busy, or just lazy, you decide! Awhile back I posted an entry about the girls' summer theatre program and promised that I would work on getting a video of it. Here it is...will it work? We'll see... Presenting Keola "Sour Kangaroo" and her stirring rendition of "Biggest Blame Fool". (You can see Ana dancing in the background, but you might need a microscope!) Enjoy!


Maile said...

She has a gift I tell ya! I am amazed by how she has learned to project her voice in only a few short years! Keep it up and that dancer in the back, great! Wait until her voice is developed and it will be crazy!
What beautiful girls you have, not that I am biased, right?

Amber said...

way to go KO!! you sound fab!