Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Suds 102: Like Mother, Like Daughter

Some of you may remember a post we had earlier this year in which we highlighted a funny moment of Keola's... Well, there comes a time in a person's life when it is necessary to humble oneself for the sake of another.

Funny thing happened last night... I loaded the dishwasher and added the dish soap, thinking that all was well, and walked away. We left for basketball and when Ana and I got home, she said, "Mom! It happened again!" I'm thinking, what happened? Much to my chagrin, we discovered suds all over the floor. In my haste to finish the dishes and get out the door, I used dish soap rather than dish detergent. They were right next to each other...it was an easy mistake to make!

Desiring to teach my daughters about good sportsmanship...I took some pics to document my mistake. Needless to say, after three rinse cycles and several wet towels, the dishes are clean and the soap is safely away from the detergent! What is that saying...Turn around is fair play? Seems quite appropriate right about now!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

No longer a tween...

Wow, to think that thirteen years ago, yesterday, I was in the hospital anxiously awaiting our ke'Ola, "first breath of life". Oh how time has flown by! It amazes me that the sweet baby I held in my arms is now almost as tall as me and can hold me in her arms...almost! She still loves pretty things, singing, dancing, and laughing until her stomach hurts. Some things never change. The new desire for make-up, pretty hair, and boyfriends is new though! Well...at least the boy thing is new!

What a beautiful, smart, talented, spiritual girl she has grown up to be. She keeps me laughing, causes me worry, challenges me constantly, makes me cry with her singing, and astounds me with her wisdom. I am so blessed to have Keola in my life. I am so thankful that Keo was sent to us, to care for, and nurture. What an amazing blessing came into our lives thirteen years ago.

Thank you, ke'Ola, for choosing us! "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be!" Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

All hallows eve...

I've seen some cute pics of costumes from everyone and thought I'd share ours. I have to say, we had various costume parties throughout the week and I think the kids donned a new costume at every one! We ended up with a couple of rockers and it was actually pretty fun doing the hair and make-up. Of course, it's always fun doing hair or make-up on my girls!